Our purpose is to:
Here at Motion Church our main objective is to create a deeper connection with God. That involves:
Praying and reading your Bible daily
Setting time aside for worship
Going to church regularly
Connecting with other Christians alike
Serving others
Spiritual Development is a process of growth in Christ. It’s not something that can be instantly achieved but instead a lifelong journey to become more like Christ in every aspect. A true transformation doesn’t take place in a day but is built in time. The list above shows what is needed to create a solid foundation in your faith, to build upon daily, which in return will strengthen your connection with God.
Jesus said to his disciples, “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33
As we continue to connect with God and serve the community, we also realize the importance of growing together as one body in Christ. Aside from Sunday service, we aim to meet together once a week for home groups to dive in more depth from the message that was preached the previous Sunday.
Weekly Home Groups that take place quarterly through the year
Women of Motion who meet once every other month
Men of Motion who meet once every other month
Occasional after service activities
The Lord’s intent and design for His church is that “the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.”
Colossians 2:19
We strive to maintain a community-based environment for our congregation for newcomers and regular attendees. Our purpose is so reach out and help those in need within the city of Waterbury, in surrounding towns in Connecticut, and in other parts of the world. We are currently involved in programs such as:
Wells for Zimbabwe
The Recovery Center
Embrace Grace
Acts 4
Across Nigeria